Untitled Tempest Project
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Equal Opportunity Institution. 24+ hours advance notice is appreciated for accommodations.
- Campus Parking: Parking Services
- Off-Campus location: Contact the venue
- On-Campus ticketed events: Contact the Box Office
- On-Campus events open to all at no cost:
- Art & Art History 360-650-3660
- Design 360-650-7778
- Music 360-650-3130
- Theatre/Dance 360-650-3876
- Other: CFPA Publicity 360-650-2829, cfpa.publicity@wwu.edu
"Untitled Tempest" will be a devised production inspired by/responding to William Shakespeare’s "The Tempest." "Untitled Tempest" will be created by Christina Gutierrez-Dennehy alongside members of the production team and 8-10 actors.
We are privileged to work with guest artists Keith Hamilton Cobb (actor and playwright of American Moor) and Jessica Burr (founding artistic director of NYC's Blessed Unrest Theatre). Together, Keith and Jessica founded the Untitled Othello Project. Untitled Othello is a company dedicated to an anti-racist "exercise in creative justice, employing ensemble-based creative practices engaged in deep and sustained exploration of Shakespeare’s text." Working with Keith and Jessica, we will dissect "The Tempest," analyzing each word, phrase, and line for both its historical meaning and its contemporary resonances.
Image: Image: Franz Marc, Caliban, Figurine für Shakespeare's Sturm (1914)
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