Microtonal Adventures Festival
Friday, May 13 - Sunday May 15, 2022
Schedule below
Free admission!
$10 ($12 at door) for Saturday concert at Make.Shift
UnTwelve, Western Washington University, and Make.Shift present
Microtonal Adventures Festival
Lectures, workshops, panels, and nightly concerts for xenharmonic practitioners and enthusiasts
- Early music
- Non-Western music
- Contemporary chamber music
- Electroacoustic music and sound art
- Experimental rock and electronica
- Mircotonal/xenharmonic theory
- Susan Alcorn
- Dolores Catherino
- Zhea Erose
- Michael Kudirka
- The Mercury Tree
- Christopher Bailey
- Jack Conklin
- Emma Etc.
- Kite Giedraitis
- Gnu/Linux Loves All
- Bruce Hamilton
- Aaron Krister Johnson
- Löis Lancaster
- Larch West Trio
- Indra Sadguna
- Ursine
- Praveen Venkataramana
- Stephen Weigel
- Alan Wild
- Brendan Byrnes
- Zoom Panel with Sevish, FastFast, and Müesk
Presentation: John Platter
A Path Towards a More Usable Text-based Scale
Presentation: Lois Lancaster
Recorded performance and Q&A
Workshop: The Kite guitar
Overview, performance, & optional hands-on participation
- Kite Giedraitis
- Aaron Wolf
- Athan Spathas
- Timmy Burnett
with weekend Kite guitar loans
Concert: mostly electronic show
- Zhea Erose
- Aaron Krister Johnson
- Chris Bailey
- Jack Conklin
- Bruce Hamilton
- Ursin(e)
Presentation: Praveen Venkataramana
Wilsonian/other perspectives, guitar music
Presentation: Kite Giedraitis
41-edo notation and key signatures
Presentation: Michael Kudirka
Exploring Historical Tunings and Temperaments on Microtonal Guitar
Workshop: Xenharmonic choir
Facilitated by Aaron Krister Johnson (with break)
Details TBA
Keynote: Zhea Erose (Amelia Huff)
Concert: mostly loud show
- The Mercury Tree
- GNU/Linux Loves All
- Emma Etc
- maybe more
Presentation: Indra Sadguna
Presentation: Stephen Weigel
Behind the YouTube xen covers & more
Panel Discussion
- Sevish
- FastFast
- Müesk
- Dolores Catherino
- Stephen Weigel (moderator)
Topic(s) TBA
Keynote: Dolores Catherino
- Polychromatic music
- Microtonal controllers
- Q&A
Concert: mostly guitar show
- Timmy Barnett
- Brendan Byrnes
- Larch West Trio
- Alan Wild
- Susan Alcorn
- Michael Kudirka
- improvisation
Disability Accommodations
For disability accommodations, please contact the department presenting the event. Disability access information is available online at Parking Services, and further resources can be found by contacting Western's Disability Access Center.