Volunteer to usher

You are about to sign up to usher. Please read the following instructions.

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please e-mail the Head House Manager. Replies will be sent in a timely fashion.

Ushers are committed to the entire event

Please arrive one hour before the show start time. As an usher, you commit to an entire event. If you do not arrive on time, you may not be able to usher. This is at the House Manager’s discretion.

What to wear

For all events, please wear white on top and black on bottom. Shoes should be dress appropriate yet comfortable. Bottoms include (but are not limited to): pants, slacks, skirts. The College of Fine and Performing Arts aims to have ushers stand out in matching, professional attire.

Ushering for course credit

Students seeking credit for music or theatre classes should complete the Course Credit section on the sign up form. You also will complete a form to be signed by the House Manager before training starts. It will be given to the student following the event when usher supplies are returned.

Look for an email confirmation

An e-mail will be sent to you prior to the event for which you are signing up.  This serves as a sole reminder

list of events with times and locations and a field for registering to usher for each event if registrations are available
Date Event Venue Registration form
The Storyteller Performing Arts Center 199 - DUG Theater Sign up to usher
The Storyteller Performing Arts Center 199 - DUG Theater Sign up to usher
The Storyteller Performing Arts Center 199 - DUG Theater Sign up to usher
The Storyteller Performing Arts Center 199 - DUG Theater Sign up to usher
The Storyteller Performing Arts Center 199 - DUG Theater Sign up to usher