Apply to AECI

To apply to the Arts Enterprise & Cultural Innovation Minor, students must be at least a sophomore declared as a major or pre-major within the College of Fine and Performing Arts. Space is limited. Applications will be reviewed until spaces are filled.

If you have any questions about applying to the AECI Minor, we're happy to help you find an answer. Contact Aric Mayer or Lucas G Senger.

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Application Form

All AECI minor applicants are required to have a current minimum GPA of 2.5. Please enter your current GPA here. It should be the GPA reflected on the unofficial transcript you will attach to this application.
Creative Discipline, check all that apply

Student Information


Education Status

Have you been admitted to Western?


One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.

Please attach a written statement up to 2 pages in length answering the following questions:

  1. Why are you interested in the AECI minor?
  2. How do you foster or participate in creative community?
  3. What degree of creative practice have you developed?  (Describe your creative work both in school and out of school)
  4. What is/are your primary career goal(s)?
One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx.

Additional Information

Which of the following most affected your decision to apply for the AECI minor?