Theatre Auditions FAQ
Can anyone audition?
Yes, all students are welcome to audition regardless of Major or Minor! COVID-19 Vaccinations are required.
Where and when are auditions held?
Depending on the show, the location will vary but will always be on campus. Current auditions will be listed at the top of this page.
Where can I find out more information?
You can sign up for the Theatre & Dance Department weekly newsletter, “Monday Matters." Sign up for the newsletter.
Can I get credit for this?
Yes! Once you are cast in a show, you can sign up to receive credit for your performance and rehearsal.
What is the time commitment?
5 to 6 nights weekly for roughly six weeks prior to opening
What should I expect to happen on the audition day?
Please arrive at least 15 minutes early for your audition in order to complete the form that will be provided. Bringing a head shot and resume is encouraged, but not required. If the audition requires you to prepare a musical excerpt, have the music neatly arranged in a 3 ring binder with your start and stop points clearly marked. Wear professional clothing which allows all movement necessary for your monologue/song. Prepare to bring a change of clothes in case there is any movement/dance portion to callbacks. Once your audition is complete, the production team will contact you. They will let you know if you're needed at callbacks, or whether you have been cast in the production. If you have questions, use the contact information on the audition posting.