STEAM Minor Application

This application is to apply to the STEAM minor. There is a minimum 2.5 GPA requirement. The STEAM minor is now open to Art Studio majors.

If you have any questions about applying to the Art & Art History Department at Western Washington University, we're happy to help you find an answer. Call the Art Department at 360-650-3660.

Space is limited. Applications will be reviewed until spaces are filled.



Applications are due October 15 and January 31


Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

Application Form

All STEAM minor applicants are required to have a current minimum GPA of 2.5. Please enter your current GPA here. It should be the GPA reflected on the unofficial transcript you will attach to this application.
Enter your major. If more than one, separate with a comma.

Student Information


Education Status

Have you been admitted to Western?


One file only.
2 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf.

Additional Information

Which of the following most affected your decision to apply for the STEAM minor?