Introduction to Country Music online
Sign up now for MUS 107 - Introduction to Country Music.
You don't need a ten-gallon hat to register - you don't need a belt buckle the size of a license plate.
Summer 2022: CRN 30371
Earn three credits of Humanities GUR.
You don't even have to get out of your pajamas to be a part of the class - everything is online/asynchronous. All you need is an open mind, a sense of adventure and a need to fill a few GUR credits.
What can you expect to learn in the class? For starters, you'll learn that the term "country" isn't just applied to songs about dogs who have gone to greener pastures, significant others who strayed to see if the grass was greener, or crying hysterically into one's beer. The term is broad and includes many artists you might not ever have considered to be "country."
You will learn about how country music ties into the United State's culture and heritage, and the ways it bent to commercialism.
Instructor: Amy Smart