It's National Museum Mentoring Month: Learn more about mentoring from Ashley Mask

Ashley Mask wears glasses and is smiling

Ashley Mask's article "Mentoring Up, Down, and Sideways: Reciprocity and Care in the Museum Education Field" offers new frameworks for reconsidering the role of mentoring in the museum education field; both for newcomers and for museum professionals with many years of experience.

Recent literature on mentoring revises the long-held notion of a dyadic, master-apprentice affiliation to better reflect the fluid, flexible, and even non-hierarchical dynamics that occur between mentors and mentees today.

When I entered the museum education profession almost 20 years ago, I was lucky enough to find people to mentor me. As I advanced in the field, I began mentoring educators that I hired. I quickly noticed that while I had something to share based on my experiences in the field, I was also learning a lot from my mentees. Their backgrounds, identities, and career trajectories looked different than mine.

Read more about changes in museum education mentoring in the full article, published in the Journal of Museum Education.