Los Angeles composer joins music faculty to teach survey of video game music

D'Anthonu Wooten wears a red and blue t-shirt and looks calmly at the camera.

The Department of Music is thrilled to welcome D’Anthoni Wooten to teach MUS 108, Survey of Video Game Music for Spring, 2021. The course is a critical overview of the history, development, and current state of music and audio in video games and interactive media and surrounding issues.

Wooten is a composer who works on games, film, and commercials who currently resides in Los Angeles. He grew up in Olathe, Kansas (a suburban town outside of Kansas City) where he took to learning piano, composition, and music technology from a young age.

He later attended Berklee College of Music in 2013, where he studied film scoring and electronic production and design and focused much of his studies in scoring for games, earning him the Video Game Scoring Award of his class. After college he interned for the Japanese production company “G-Angle” which later led to the path to score for various short films, games, and television and has collaborated with leading video game composer Lena Raine on her remix album, Reknowing.

Some of his biggest accomplishments include scoring for the Japanese Company: Takahashi Shoten (書店は高橋) which aired their 2020 company campaign “Footsteps” and was broadcasted on Japanese television.