Michelle Bates, Author of “Plastic Cameras: Toying With Creativity”

black and white photo of an old roller coaster

Michelle Bates, author of Plastic Cameras: Toying with Creativity joins us for an exclusive interview where we ask her about her experience with Holga, writing her book, personal and professional photography and for advice to photography students. Let us enter the realm of Holga!

When I started out, I was all about the goofy, fun pictures. That’s a good starting place for Holga and all the toy cameras for a lot of people because it sort of appeals to that kind of imagery, but over the decades, I would have a Holga camera with me and shoot my goofy things (of which I have lots). But I’d also shoot trees, or different types of things and after a while you start to notice you have a collection of images. And to notice what you’re capturing and see what’s of interest, kind of like what I did with the very first image but continuing to do it in a more intentional way.

Read the full interview with Michelle on the Photoblog