Motionographer: Between the Keyframes Podcast unites Sarofsky and Shaw

two geometric white people heads floating in black space

Between the Keyframes is a new podcast/vidcast uniting industry legends Austin Shaw and Erin Sarofsky. The pair take on hot topics in an effortless back and forth as they candidly discuss the crazy world of Motion Design, from their biggest mistakes to their ample frustrations to the unique insights that will tee up the next generation.

I’ve noticed in the classroom over the years that when you hear people tell stories in their own words, it kind of humanizes it. That makes things seem a little more accessible or achievable for students who tend to put people on a pedestal. We’re saying to the students that these professionals are just like you, they’re just a little older and a little more experienced. But they were in your seat at one point; they were art and/or design students. - Austin Shaw, WWU Assistant Professor of Design

Read the interview at Motionographer